How to be a Zen Bride: GET PHYSICAL

Wedding planning tends to bring on overwhelm and frustration. We all know that you and your mate should be celebrating your union, however there are lots of moving pieces to planning a wedding. So, when you’re tired of sitting, it’s good to get YOU moving! The planning process should be fun! Wanna be a Zen Bride? Great! Here’s one way to do so.

When planning a wedding and your future, there’s lots of research and discussion. There’s looking at vendor websites and making boards on Pinterest. It’s a good idea to take a mental break and GET PHYSICAL. Get your adrenaline flowing by moving your body! If you are a runner, run! If you love swimming, do that. It’s also a great time to start an activity – yoga, walking, martial arts, biking. And don’t forget the fun ones – dancing and sex. Nothing like getting sweaty and out of breath to take your mind off making decisions.

Exercise & Stress

Getting physical improves your overall health and your sense of well-being, which can certainly give you more energy. But exercise also is great for reducing stress. What else can it do?

  • It pumps up your endorphins. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body. For example, the feeling that follows a run or challenging hike is often described as "euphoric." That feeling, known as a "runner's high," can be accompanied by a positive and energizing outlook on life.

  • It's meditation in motion. After a fast-paced game of racquetball or several laps in the pool, you'll often find that you've forgotten the day's irritations or anxiety. As you begin to regularly shed your daily tensions through movement and physical activity, you may find that this focus on a single task, and the resulting energy and optimism, can help you remain calm and clear in everything you do.

  • It improves your mood. Regular exercise can increase self-confidence, it can relax you, and it can lower the symptoms associated with mild depression. Exercise can also improve your sleep, which is often disrupted by an overactive mind. In general, exercise eases your stress levels and gives you a sense of command over your body and your life.

6 Stress-Relieving Exercises

  1.  Boxing

    Often, we can hold in our anger and anxieties, which is very unhealthy to do. Boxing gives us a safe place to reduce our stress while letting us get in our exercise. Taking a swing at that punching bag as hard as you can stimulates the production of endorphins, helping you feel better instantly. Many people like to picture the source of their stress (um, guests that do not return their RSVP cards on time!) as the punching bag, which amps up the intensity, making it fun!

  2. Running

    There is a reason why people tend to put on their sneakers and go for a run when they are feeling overwhelmed or anxious. There is something therapeutic about running, getting into the rhythm with your steps and your breathing. Whether you do it outdoors or indoors on the treadmill, running gets the heart pumping and out of your head.

  3. Yoga

    When you think about reducing stress through exercise, most people tend to steer towards the intense, fast-paced activities. Yoga is the opposite, it is a mind-body practice that can really help your sense of wellbeing, along with all the other physical benefits as well, such as improved flexibility, balance, and strength.

  4. Group Training

    Whatever group exercise you enjoy, whether it is HIIT, aerobics, or even a dance class — it is one of the best stress-relieving exercises. You will be surrounded by others who are also looking to get fit and healthy, too. Being in a social environment and being motivated by others, can really lift your mood.

  5. Tai Chi

    Tai Chi is very gentle and meditative in practice, making it one of the best stress-relieving exercises you can do. It is based on the concept of qi (your energy flow) and works to balance both your physical and mental forces. Not only can it help tone your body and promote better balance but it reduces your stress and anxiety so you will be left with a calm and peaceful mind.

  6. Sex

    It may not be a full workout, but sex can be considered light exercise, and it’s way less boring than speed walking on the treadmill. One study concluded that during a 25-minute romp, men burn approximately 100 calories, while women burn about 69 (yes, 69!). Even though you’re only burning a relatively small number of calories, you are engaging in physical activity. It’s not only good for your mental health, but also for building connection and intimacy between you and your partner.

Do any of these ideas resonate with you? What have you found to release stress and increase calm? Where are you most overwhelmed? Feel free to share in the comments below!


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