Gratituesday 2.15.22 - Return to Celebration

My weekly lists used to be gratitudes, celebrations and desires. Then for some reason, I changed the celebrations to VICTORIES. Oh, wait, I wrote this post to explain it! For the life of me I didn’t remember why I did it, but today I bring it back. The word ‘celebration’ is more genuine to the work that I do. I’m all about celebrating unions and community. When I think about it, victory feels too grand, too gladiator in an arena, too competitive. Celebration feels, well, FUN! And I hear over and over again that due to this pandemic we’re STILL in, we all have not been having much fun. So I’ve been trying - to varying degrees of success - to change that. This of course brings lots of reflection, and then my Weekly Lists basically write themselves. Care to join me? The comment section below is always open!


  1. Hot coffee & Campari

  2. Laundry in my apartment

  3. My friend, Dominique for offering a guest blog post trade

  4. My yoga practice

  5. The library, and my local branch in particular because they are giving out covid tests


  1. A bunch of inquiries this week - both weddings and counseling

  2. 688 days of Spanish on Duolingo - but more importantly dedicating more time every day to writing, speaking and reading

  3. Having regular shops that I go to for groceries

  4. Cleaning out my freezer and eating things I’ve been saving

  5. Taking myself out to lunch this week


  1. A new coat that’s pretty enough for outdoor weddings

  2. Getting word that my vacuum will not cost a lot to fix

  3. Returning to my regular cleaning schedule

  4. Drinking more water

  5. Finishing my tax prep


Guest Post: The Case for Embracing Self-Care


Vendors I Love: Lauren of THE GET TOGETHER EVENTS CO.