Wedding Yoga: Partner Yoga on Your Wedding Day


Imagine the morning of your wedding. There may be butterflies in your belly based on the excitment or stress of the day ahead. So you grab your partner, and jump on your yoga mats. After an hour of breathing deeply, and moving with intention, you give each other a kiss and say farewell as you start getting ready. However, now you are focused, centered and relaxed. How cool is that? I highly encourage scheduling time for yourselves the morning of your Big Day. I may be biased as a yoga teacher, however there’s nothing better than starting your day with some breath and movement! Feel free to head to your favorite studio, find a class online or I’m happy to tailor a yoga practice, just for you both.

3 Benefits to Doing Yoga with Your Partner on Your Wedding Day.

1. Continue to Build Understanding and Trust

Moving in synchronization with your partner brings both connection and awareness of each other’s body and breath. Practicing yoga together helps form a deeper bond, but also to reach a new level of empathy and understanding of one another.

As you move from one pose to the next you have to:

  • Communicate both verbally and non-verbally with each other

  • Trust your partner to support you, work with you, be willing to slow down the pace for you or to push themselves to bring you a greater experience through the practice

  • Be vulnerable with one another as you try new poses, acknowledge your weaknesses, and embrace each other’s strengths

Understanding and trust are the foundational core of any healthy and happy relationship. A core that can be developed more through the use of couples yoga.

2. Start the Day with Stability and Calm

A long list of studies has already demonstrated that yoga is great at reducing your levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. If you want to check out the research, try this article from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, or this one on Healthline. By doing couples yoga together, you are working to improve your emotional and mental health.

Without external stress and anxiety, the smaller issues that may have typically sparked an argument can be handled with greater ease and grace. When negativity is diminished, it allows two of you to experience more positivity together. Of course, starting your wedding day with positivity creates a foundation of stability and calm to keep you going the rest of the day.

3. Create Intimacy and Have FUN!

Your wedding day is going to be full of activity as you surround yourselves by all of the people you love. It’s exciting, but also potentially overwhelming. Starting the day with a couple’s yoga practice will ground the day with an intimate moment just for you two. This intimacy will hopefully allow you both to let perfection go, and just have fun. Some days, practicing yoga with your partner is like having your own personal blooper reel. Not all transitions are seamless, and things like playfulness and laughter are present. Isn’t that a great way to start the day you celebrate your union?

Are you planning to practice yoga on your wedding day? How are you doing doing so? Are there any poses you want to make sure are included in the practice? Of course, if you need guidance or want to schedule a Couple’s Yoga session here in NY or virtually anywhere in the world, shoot me an email or use the comment section below. Namaste!


Gratituesday 3.9.21 - Long Day Gratitudes
