Taking time to SLOW DOWN

After a year of go, go, go, I decided it was time to make an intentional decision to SLOW DOWN. Sure, I add a ton of Zen to my business and daily practice, but for the most part I value productivity. It's really difficult to do nothing, and I get frustrated if I don't have a list of completed to-dos at the end of the day. Does that sound like you, too?

This shift to being intentional and going at a slower pace was HARD. Who am I kidding? I have not conquered it yet...it continues to BE a challenge. Care to join me in the appreciation of the journey and not the destination?

We know the story of the tortoise and the hare, but still we live in a society that values working fast rather than slow and steady. I enjoy teaching a power yoga class, but at the end of the sweaty practice I started thinking, ‘wait, what did we just do?’ And just in case, I needed even more validation to slow down, I happened to come upon a video on sloths the other day and started down the rabbit hole on learning more about them. They move slowly in order to survive. To make sure they have enough energy to do only what they need to. And why does it look like they are always smiling!

Here are 6 things I am working on to slow my pace:

  1. Stop Multitasking - or if I’m being honest, Multitask Less.

    Multitasking is exciting. The ability to keep many plates spinning is invigorating. Well, until you start dropping plates. My current mantra is one thing at a time and do it well. Slow down, take your time and focus 100% on one task at a time.

  2. Be Early

    This one encompasses so many things.

    — Do your best not to procrastinate, so you get your tasks done on-time and without rushing.

    — Plan to be 10 minutes early to every meeting (work or personal)

    — Think ahead so you can better plan each step

    Enjoy the free time this gives you the peace of mind that you are not running late or missing a deadline. This also means not trying to do ‘one more thing’ before you leave. Maybe that’s just me, but I have a feeling it’s not. :)

  3. Get Outside in Nature

    New York is a busy city, but truthfully no matter where you live, we’re in a busy, fast-paced world. I’m striving to be more intentional about getting outside and taking a walk in nature. Listening to a podcast or the sounds around me.

    Getting outside can lower your blood pressure, reduce feelings of stress or anxiety, increase creativity and memory, boost immunity and more.

  4. Silence the Devices

    Oooh, this a biggie! I even put a notification on my phone to limit my use of social media. Technology is a wonderful addition to our lives. It allows us to streamline and be efficient. But we need to have boundaries to make sure it is adding value to our lives, rather than becoming an unwanted distraction from the people and activities that matter most.

  5. Focus on your Relationships

    When we’re rushing, we often push people to the side. I’ve made a goal to reach out to friends and colleagues I’ve not spoken with in a while. If anyone wants to do the same, and needs an accountability partner, let me know!

    But this can also be said for our daily interactions. Take time to look the cashier at the grocery store in the eye and ask how their day is going. I rarely take time to just hang out with a friend or neighbor.

    And as a result, we’re missing out on the most beautiful part of being human: relationships.

  6. Practice Gratitude

    Actually this one I’ve been doing for a while, however it’s not consistent. Every week I aim to create a list of Victories, Desires and you guessed it…Gratitudes. Here’s the link to my latest post. If you want to join in the fun, you can create your own lists and either keep them private, share them with me, or post them in the comment section of the post.

Let me know if any of these resonate with you. Or if there are other things that may be getting in the way of us slowing down! The comment section below is always open.


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Desire Wednesday 11.17.21 - Under a Fall Tree