Gratituesday 1.31.23 - Feeling Groovy

When I reach for my reading glasses, I usually say to those around me, “don’t get old.” Unfortunately we don’t have a choice in the matter. I have been very healthy over the course of my life, however I’ve had a few bobbles here and there. But as we age, there are creaks and pains. However when I reflected on my health today, I have to say that I’m feeling groovy! No aches or pains or cramps! So that’s a major win. Of course the reflection in general allowed me to create my weekly lists. Care to join me? Awesome, I’ll start - and the comment section is always open to encourage, question or share. Let’s go!


  1. Good friends and great colleagues

  2. Hot showers and hot coffee

  3. Podcasts for my commutes

  4. Sleeping on a comfy bed with a warm blanket

  5. My yoga practice


  1. A little bit of movement from the plumbers to help close the open permit from my renovation TWO years ago!!???!!

  2. A successful dinner party - first of 12 for the year

  3. Getting through Dry January with little desire for alcohol

  4. 1033 straight days of language lessons - a mix of Spanish, French and Polish

  5. Some great new wedding inquiries - including one for NEXT year!


  1. For Maxie to stop screaming at all hours of the day

  2. To prep my taxes by the end of the week

  3. To start writing my book on premarital counseling again

  4. To choose a date for my February dinner party

  5. A pedicure




Gratituesday 1.3.23 - It’s All About Service