Giving Yourself Permission

A More Perfect Union - a woman sits with her hands in prayer, eyes closed

I've been reading Brené Brown's book, Dare to Lead. There are a few concepts in the book that resonate with me. However, what really speaks to me right now is Giving Yourself Permission. First off, don't get all jealous or excited about my productivity. Because I've digitally checked the book out of the library TWICE, and I am on track for having to do it a third time!

But this falls right in the domain of what Ms. Brown is talking about. While many of us have all the time in the world right now, it's okay if we're not doing ALL THE THINGS! It's okay that we're sad or unable to sleep. We must give ourselves permission to do nothing or grieve or bake bread or not bake bread. Or hell, to EAT all the bread!

Our parents used to sign permission slips for us to go on school trips. Maybe some of you are doing that for your own children. Perhaps we need to write our own.

Brené Brown writes, "Permission slips are powerful. I’ve seen people, after coming into meetings hell-bent on getting approval for their idea or plan, instead give themselves permission to stay open-minded or to listen more than they talk... Permission slips aren’t promissory notes, they are for stating and writing down intentions only, so there are no repercussions if you fail to deliver; however, they are useful for increasing accountability and the potential for support, and also for understanding where everyone in the room is coming from."

So, what do YOU need to give yourself permission to do? Or not to do? Can you take our a piece of paper or a journal, and write it down? Just like my gratitude lists, I am happy to hear what you're giving yourself permission to do, and I promise to hold you accountable. Feel free to share them in the comments below, or email me directly.




Gratituesday 4.21.20 - Celebrating Victories