Week #4 - No New Plastic Challenge

I didn't realize that we were almost done with the month until we were done with the month. However when I was at the gym I saw the date and I didn't have a problem grabbing a plastic disposable razor. At all. I did keep the razor and plan to reuse it. So it's not totally horrible, but still.I did work a catering event this week at one of the large museums and worked the bar. It was a large event and I was horrified to see only plastic cups. Yes, it makes things so much easier and clean up is a breeze, but I don't believe these cups were recyclable. In any case, I did encourage folks to REFILL their glasses rather than take a new cup. A few people stopped for a moment when I suggested it, realized it was a good idea and then thanked me. One guy didn't understand what I was saying and acted like he could not be bothered. But he was certainly in the minority. I do think the bartender on my right thought I was a pain on my little crusade, but I really didn't care. I wasn't going to make it a big deal, but I did do my small part to help reduce plastic consumption. In fact, the bartender on my left tried to one up me by trying to get more people to reuse their glasses. See what a little friendly competition can do? We can save the world!

For the last month I did my best to avoid plastic. And I feel I was pretty successful doing so. In fact, there's lots that I will try to keep doing:
1. carry my own containers when going out to dinner.
2. bring a canvas bag with me instead of using plastic (though I do need a few for cat litter disposal)
3. look for options for things packaged in plastic
4. RECYCLE and REUSE packaging when I can if I must buy plastic
5. request real glasses, plates and utensils whenever possible
6. be creative when it makes sense to make my own food, beauty products or cleaning supplies or choose family size items that I can buy less often.
Anything you learn? Anything you would try? Any questions or comments? Add them below!

Losing Weight Check-in #5


Hey-oh, it's time for Gratitudes!